Firenze WiFi free hotspot


Service FirenzeWifi allows connection to the Internet wirelessly.  Just a phone and a laptop or smartphone to surf, chat, exchange mail and access to the information services of the Province and Municipality of Florence.  In this phase, all users have at their disposal every day 1 hour time navigation and traffic 300Mbytes

Where is it?

* Piazza della Signoria
* Piazza Santa Croce
* Piazza Santo Spirito
* Piazza Santissima Annunziata
* Parterre in Piazza della Libertà
* Via Canova, presso uffici dell’Anagrafe
* Piazze Ghiberti e Annigoni
* Piazza Alberti – Villa Arrivabene
* Piazzale Michelangelo
* Piazza Bambini di Beslan ingresso Fortezza da Bassosso
* Piazzale delle Cascine
* Parco di San Donato

How do you use?

Lying in an area covered with a portable device (Netbook, notebook or smartphone) wireless-enabled will detect a wireless network called FirenzeWifi. In some areas of large networks could be detected more than one, in which case the device will make the choice between FirenzeWifi1, FirenzeWifi2, FirenzeWifi3 or FirenzeWifi4.. Is suggested to select the network that your device is proposed as a better level of signal received.There is no parameter to be included, just choose the network and connect.  Once connected, opening any browser (Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc) and load your home page or by typing in any web address will automatically appear the home page that will make your first recording. If you already have the authentication credentials, you can implement directly the log-in.

First entry

The first registration is very simple and requires the insertion of the following required fields:

*  Name
*  Surname
*Italian  Phone number

WARNING: The number must be an Italian operator and must have an active function of masking of the number.Confirm the details and giving their consent to the processing of personal data, the system calls for a phone call from the phone company’s registered number 0554650034. The call is free and is terminated automatically after the first ring.The call is to compare the number with the caller number included in the registration data, if it matches, the authentication credentials (userID and password) will appear on the screen and you can log-in.
The first registration must be carried out only once, after which their authentication credentials are still valid.

Log In

If you already have the authentication credentials from the home page you can directly log in by clicking on the link

Log Out

Unless the settings of your browser does not prevent, the making of the log-in brings up a pop-up window that contains a button to click to log-out.If the window does not appear, simply go to the following address:

How much can you surf?

Each registered user has available a free connection to 1 hour daily of actual connection with a maximum of 300Mbytes traffic exchanged. This means that you can connect eg 6 times for 10 minutes, even from different areas, or just 1 hour of uninterrupted navigation.
NOTE: If you make downloading of large files and the traffic exchanged reaches 300 Mbytes, the session is ended even if the available time has not expired. You may at any time of your connection check how much time remains or how much traffic is going to be exchanged at:

These quantities are daily, this means that at midnight every night because they use is “recharged” and you automatically have again provided 1 hour and 300 Mbytes of traffic.  The institutional use of sites in the Province and the Municipality of Florence is possible at any time.Unless the settings of your browser does not prevent, the making of the log-in brings up a pop-up window that contains a button to click to log-out.If the window does not appear, simply go to the following address: e cliccare il tasto di logout. and click the button to logout.  E ‘should always log out after using the service.

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