Mick Jagger moving to Florence?

Mick Jagger

I’m not one for gossip, but I’m a massive Jagger fan. Mum was huge on the Stones and she’d play every album any chance she could. Them and Bowie. So, naturally, I’ve become a massive Mick Jagger fan myself. Strutting my stuff around the house to all the best tracks they composed, going to get my hair cut and asking them to get that Jagger-look and a badass pic of his in my room. You could imagine that when I hear the news that Mick Jagger is looking for a house near Florence I’m gonna be a little excited.

Now the news that Mick Jagger’s agents are looking for a villa near Florence, Chianti, or Val d’Orcia has been reported by FirenzeToday and Skytg24, the first being one of the main local news sources, and the second being one of the major national private broadcasters. So, I’m gonna believe them. The reason behind the move is to write new music in the Tuscan countryside, something that all the great bands of the 60s used to do. Not specifically in Tuscany, but rent country houses and just live there, and write.

So with that said, I hope that all the news hype isn’t going to make him turn tail and change his mind, cause this way this Covid-19 travel ban sitch isn’t gonna be that bad, I might get a chance to see Mick Jagger walk down the street and make this 2020 amaze-balls.

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