Boboli Reopened after Covid-19 lockdown

Boboli re-opened

Finally, after two months Florence’s most beautiful garden is open once again. It finally happened. It’s really true Boboli reopened and it’s going to be quite weird at the moment for the park’s economic aspect, as all residents don’t pay to get in. That’s why the mayor is asking all citizens to pay a “symbolic” ticket for the park’s entry. This isn’t at all obligatory. So, don’t lose your s**t about having to pay, cause it’s still free if you live here.

Many things have happened (and are happening) in Florence during this Pandemic. Here you can find some posts that will give you a better understanding of how Florence has coped with the lockdown)

With Boboli reopened there are some precautions in place, no one gets in if they have more than 37,5C° fever, masks, 2-meter distance, and no groups more than 10 people at a time. Cause even though Florence has an average of 5 new cases a day (really low compared to when this started), security for Covid-19 is of the utmost importance.

Photo by Daniela Turcanu on Unsplash

Other good news for the people of Florence, is that the 28th of May Palazzo Pitti will open as well, with an exhibition on one of the most prominent female painters of the XVI century Giovanna Garzoni.

Soon, we’ll all be in Florence together so keep yourself posted on the news.

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