Tourist Info – The StudentsVille Dictionary

You’re probably on your way to Italy right now and you know it’s the best time of year to visit Italy, I mean it’s always the best time of year to visit Italy. We’ve done a gazillion Italy travel guide posts in the past, this time we’re going down the same old dictionary rabbit hole so you can find all the information about Italy while on the ground, and sounding like someone that wishes to partake in the local culture, with locals or at a tourist info Florence location (that is very specific Chris). Plus, Italians love it when you try to speak the language, and if you don’t say it proper they won’t hassle you about it, they’ll probably try to help you learn it.

Tourist info is something you can find anywhere and in every language, and you can also find all about Italy on whatever website you visit. It’s the etiquette in Italy for tourists that gets a bit weird, the laws are quite lax, but the best thing to do would not climb statues, and not to climb on monuments (believe it or not these things tend to happen more than one can imagine). But I’m not here to talk about that, it was just a good tangent to follow.

The knowledge I’ll be dropping today is stuff you should use with the locals, don’t use them at any Florence tourist office, Garda tourist office, any tourist info Rome Italy office, cause they all know your language so they’ll automatically answer in your mother tongue.

Visiting Italy for the first time – Questa è la mia prima volta in Italia

When you strike up a conversation, one of the most frequent questions Italians will ask is “Is this your first time here?” And if that’s the case why not leave them astonished with a nice “Questa è la mia prima volta in Italia” so they know it’s your first time you ever visit the country. They might even leave you some pointers.

Unique places to visit in Italy – Quali sono dei posti da non perdersi in Italia?

If they don’t why not ask them yourself? this way you can find some amazing locations that aren’t on many of the guidebooks, you know it’s a bit of the beauty of Italy. There is so much stuff that it can’t all be in guides.

Tips on traveling in Italy – Che consigli mi dai per viaggiare in Italia?

Once you find all the best spots to visit, you’re gonna need to know how to travel around the country, you can’t just think that once you found a hidden gem, google maps is gonna help you. You’re gonna need the sacred Italian knowledge.

Where do I buy the tickets? – Dove è la biglietteria?

Let’s go back to the city a bit now, and you’ve finally found the Duomo that you’ve been dreaming of going to your whole life. How can you get in if you didn’t buy any tickets online? Well the good old fashioned way, buying a ticket at the ticket window.

Where is a Café? – Dove è un bar?

Now that you’ve seen the line at the ticket window, and realized that you have to wait a set time to get in, you start to wonder. Where you can find a café to enjoy some fresh air and a nice Italian coffee. Remember that a Bar is not a place to get hammered at in Italy, I mean you’ll find people probably ordering coffee and grappa in the morning, but I’m trying to say that it’s not the same as a “Bar”.

Where is a Tourist Info Point? – Dove è un punto informazioni?

Maybe at the end of the day, you found too many Italians giving you answers in Italian, this probably just left you even more confused than when you first put your foot down in Italy. At this point just look for an Info Point. Don’t worry, Italy tourist info spots are all over the place. Like all the Florence Italy tourist information office.

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