Basic italian phrases while shopping pt.1 – The StudentsVille Dictionary

It’s that time of the month where we give you some great common Italian phrases to use while in this amazing country!

We’ve looked at basic Italian phrases in our previous articles, like Italian phrases for travel that can be useful when looking to use public transportation in the country. We also look at the most commonly used Italian phrases when at restaurants so you can’t leave anything to misinterpretation. So, what Italian phrases are we going to look at today? Today we’re going to look at some Italian shopping vocabulary, that’ll come in handy when you’re on your term abroad. But we will be dividing the shopping segment into 2 parts, today we’re going to start off by shopping in language and some shopping in Italy tips.

Let’s begin by looking at the most common shopping phrases in Italian, in our common Italian phrases monthly date.

Vorrei comprare – I’d like to buy

Once you’re In the shop and you know what you want to get, you can’t sit there and look at every object on sale. Sure, if you’ve got time to spare that is another story, but if you can’t be bothered with the search, you can simply go to one of the store employees and ask them “Vorrei un…” depending on what you want. Let’s keep in on Italian Clothing for today, so hypothetically, you want a hoodie, in that case, you would say “Vorrei una felpa con il cappuccio”

Posso Toccarlo? – Can I feel it?

Now that the employ knows what you want after dropping the first of the Italian words and phrases you’ve just learnt, they’ll bring you to where they have all of the hoodies that you were looking for, and if they’re particularly helpful (that depends on what shop, and how busy they are) they might start showing you the item themselves. If this is the case and you wish to feel and touch it yourself you can ask them to feel it by saying “Posso Toccarlo?”. See another one on the list of useful Italian phrases.

Posso Provarlo? – Can I try it on?

You’ve felt the item, you found the item, now you only have to try this hoodie on to see if it’s the right fit for you. I wonder what is next on the shopping phrases in Italian. I say I wonder but I know. You look them dead in the eye, and gently ask “Posso provarlo, per favore?”. Now the employee is very confused by the fact that you were so intense, yet kind about it, but they’ll show you to the fitting rooms.

Quanto Costa? – How much does it cost? 

This is one of the most important Italian travel phrases you probably will use, not just in this case, but in many others. From food, to tours, to tickets, to anything that implies you spending your cash. Let’s say it’s one of those Italian phrases to know, one of the simple Italian phrases, what we can say is part of the basic Italian phrases for travel: “Quanto Costa?”

Me lo può incartare? – Can you gift-wrap it?

At the end of the experience you find out that the price tag isn’t too high, and if it was let’s say it was but you wanted to treat yourself. You’ve bought your first clothes in Italian, but you also bought a little gift for a friend, or maybe for family back home, and you want it to be gift wrapped. Cause let’s face it however small a gift is, when it’s wrapped it’s so much better. Especially, when you bought a product learning all of this Italian fashion vocabulary. Anyway -KW aside- you can ask them “Me lo può , per ?” And most of the times they will oblige, but you might find yourself in a shop that doesn’t have the equipment to do it for you, in that case don’t freak on them, in Italy it’s not common practice unless you aren’t in the holiday season.

Potrei avere un sacchetto, per favore? – Can I have a bag, please?

You finally have what you wanted, but you have no place where to put it, even though you might have a tote with you, you prefer to carry it in a separate back from all the rest, plus if it’s a gift you might want to let them know where you got it from. So, if you need a bag from the store clerk you just added new phrases to know in Italian when traveling to your list of Italian vocabulary for travel. As I was saying, you can ask them “Potrei avere un sacchetto, per favore?” And BAM branded bag to put stuff in.

Posso ritirarlo più tardi? – Can I pick it up later?

Total opposite situation, you’re full of stuff, and just want to get home and leave all of your things at the apartment, but you also don’t want to lose this great hoodie you found. So, you’re wondering how to ask the employee to keep it on the side for you, you can say “Posso ritirarlo più tardi?” And depending on store policy they’ll hold it for you till the next day, or till the end of the day — I’m talking about a pre purchased situation.

Sto solo guardando – I’m just looking

Now let’s just forget about all of those fancy phrases we learned today, and let’s look at the most important and cost effective word you can learn, cause if you’re going to learn simple Italian phrases this one is the one you need the most, the one that’ll have you’re wallet thank you every time you use it. “Sto solo guardando” “I’m just looking” simple as that.

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