Jobs in Italy for english speakers: where and what to look for

Looking for a job in a foreign country in 2022 is always a bit of a hassle, firstly language is a bit of a problem, and plus sometimes the economic situation can already be dire for the country you’re in. But fear not, cause you’ll find a way to use that English to your advantage, I mean come on how hard can it be to find jobs in Italy for english speakers. Let’s look at a few options that can help you find work opportunities in Italy and also how to get a job in Italy. Studying abroad or living in Italy is something that many people want to do. We’ve written about cost of living in Italy for students, study abroad in Italy tips, best places to study in Italy and more…

Can foreign students work in Italy? Of course continue reading…

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Keep in mind that to work in Italy you do need to go through some legal work that you can find on our StudentsVille website.

English speaking jobs in Italy: Freelancing

Freelancing is on the rise everywhere, it’s no doubt the same back home, so if you’re in a new country why not go on a little job hunt on the various Freelance Job offering sites you can find online? Like Upwork or Fiverr. The competition is fierce, cause everyone wants to work from home, so polish that CV and spam all the offerings you can. Don’t get yourself down if you can’t find anything that’s up your alley on the first try, but you’ll find out that sooner or later you’ll find the perfect match for you. Plus if it’s your first time on a Freelance hunt, my personal advice is to take whatever job to start. I mean it’s part of living that Freelancer life.

If, on the other hand, you want to work in a different sector, such as tourism for example, you should know that you need a document: the Fiscal Code.
The Fiscal Code is a bit like the National Insurance Number in England or the Social Number in the U.S.A. It is an identification code necessary for different aspects of life in Italy, from work to public welfare. Following this link you can go ahead and get your Codice Fiscale valid in Italy.

Best jobs in Italy for english speakers: Startups

Startups are a huge reality in Italy, cause it’s really the only way young people can get some tax concessions in the crushing tax hell that’s Italy. Plus, everyone that has a start-up wants English speakers, cause their target markets usually have English speakers as main consumers, plus I mean the Internet is all about English. Now, where can you find all these startups? A good way to start is on Linkedin, I know it’s a pretty obvious answer, but really that’s where you’ll find the most professional startups to work with. Yep, there’s a great selection of jobs in Italy for English speaking only.

English teaching jobs in italy: an easy way to go

I know. I knooooooow. Teaching is the classic job that everyone can get when they come into the country, I mean it’s the easiest way to get cash during the year really. I mean you do need to have the patience, but you’ll know it’s a steady job that helps you not only fill up your CV but also gets you learning Italian quicker, you’ll be surrounded by Italian kids and teachers that can help you with your misunderstandings. Plus, if you don’t want to be in a school environment you can always be an English tutor. So the easiest way to working in Italy as an American is teaching.

English speaking jobs in Italy? International Companies

Last, but not least look for listings at American companies in Italy cause you never know you might as well find your dream job in the country you love the most! It’s full of international brands in that have HQs in the country, so if you look hard enough you might find that opening you need. Maybe this last one is more for who is wondering how to move to Italy and get a job, but hey maybe your studying here and you’ll find the job you studied for as well.

Want to know how to say “Get to work” in Italian?

Are you living in Italy and want to increase your Italian language level? Andare al lavoro is the Italian phrasal expression for ‘get to work’ as it means moving from your house to your office. While mettersi al lavoro means starting your daily job. Both Italian expressions can be translated with get to work. Furtehrmore essere assunto means being hired, and so on. If you want to learn more about the Italian language you can read “10 Italian Slang Expressions You Can’t Live Without“.

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