How to become fluent in Italian in 3 Steps

italian language school roma learning

3 “tools” and 3 tips that make your Italian learning experience fast, fun, and easy

Congrats, you’re learning the most beautiful language in the world!

Hello there, future fluent Italian-speaking Studentsville blog readers! To those of you who have finally committed and started studying to learn Italian, congratulations! You’ve done the best thing for yourself and your future. Read on for insider tips on how to make your learning experience faster, easier, and more enjoyable.

Why knowing Italian will change your life

I bet you’re already thinking about the fabulous things you’ll do once you’ve learned Italian.  Like watching Fellini’s movies without subtitles, and roaming through Italy to your heart’s content. Or charming your beloved with phrases such as facciamo una passeggiata  -fat?t?amo ?una passed?d?ata- which sounds a lot better than “let’s take a walk”. Plus, I’m sure you’re aware that hundreds of companies worldwide seek Italian-speaking employees: in fact, Italy is the leading country in cuisine, fashion, interior design, furniture design, robotics, machinery, and many other fields. 

Tricks to learning Italian

But how long does it take to become fluent in Italian? Are there any “tricks” that make mastering the language of poetry and love easier? If you’ve already decided to learn Italian, this is probably what you want to know. 

Why learning Italian can be difficult

Learning Italian is exciting and rewarding, but it does involve studying the grammar and getting the hang of the pronunciation. Then there are the conjugations, which can make your self-confidence waver. This said, if you give yourself time and, above all, enjoy the experience of learning in itself, you’ll see that it’s not that hard. Especially if you follow my advice, and use the right “devices”.

What you need to learn Italian efficiently

What you need to learn any foreign language effectively and quickly is professional expertise. Taking a well-designed course and having a capable teacher makes all the difference. Unfortunately, not everyone can count on this kind of proficiency: it largely depends on where you are, what language schools you can access, and your budget. 

Where you can find it

Luckily, we live in the modern era, and have the big wide web! Using the internet allows for 2 options:

1 – You can access content created by excellent teachers that are somewhere else

2 – You can take an Italian course online

3 awesome “tools” that will help you learn Italian faster 

Already taking an Italian course, and burning the midnight oil studying pronouns that, you think, you’ll never learn to use? What you need is a different, more stimulating viewpoint. The good news is that it exists, or rather they exist, and they’re 100% made in Italy, specifically in Rome.

About Kappa, a language school where teachers think out-of-the-box

There’s a language school where teachers go the extra mile, and that’s the Kappa Language School. Like many other language schools, Kappa offers a variety of Italian language courses both on-campus and online. But the faculty definitely stands out. Yes, because Kappa’s teachers are future-oriented, tech-savvy, brilliant with graphics, and charismatic. They really care about reaching out to all those who want to learn Italian, and to do so they’ve created three awesome perks that can help you master the nuts and bolts of Italian.

These are:

  1. Facebook Videos – held by native Italian teachers
  2. A great Blog – with cool infographics
  3. A fabulous Exercise Page

Cool, quick, and fun FB videos

Check this out

Wasn’t that good?! In less than one minute, you’ve learned the correct pronunciation and the difference between two commonly used Italian phrases. It was quick, it was intuitive, and it was fun! 

Let’s watch another one:

If you can’t be in Italy or learn from a mother tongue teacher, Kappa’s FB videos are an excellent way to listen to a native Italian speaker pronounce the words, and gain a better understanding of Italian culture and lifestyle.

Plus, you need to enjoy yourself sometimes. Well, you certainly will if you watch this!

An intriguing blog and creative infographics

Daunted by the number of Italian verb forms and by the feminine and masculine genders? Terrified by the idea of writing an essay in Italian? Or simply curious to know more about Italy and Italians? Check out the Kappa Language School Blog

Find your way through the mazes of Italian phrases

The Kappa Language School Blog is focused on covering as many aspects as possible of Italian life, alongside grammar, vocabulary, etc., and is constantly updated with new articles, leading-edge videos, and content about all things Italian, from language to lifestyle. Plus, many grammar-related articles feature striking infographics that make learning a lot easier. This article on the present continuous, for instance, is an actual class in itself, and the infographic is really enlightening. 

A handy, comprehensive exercise workbook 

Last, but by no means least, Kappa’s teachers have drawn up a priceless Exercise Page.

Divided by level – elementary, intermediate, and advanced – and into topics, it provides an unrivaled bonus: you can study/practice whenever you have time, and wherever you are. The exercises are easily understandable and include multiple-choice options and dialogues, as well as engaging videos and captivating images that make learning easier. 

Budget-friendly and a lot of fun

Plus, you can choose to work on the exercises online, free of charge, or download the whole packet for only €20: this way you’ll have a full exercise workbook to use for as long as you like! Doubting that exercises can be fun? Read this, and watch the video

3 additional tips for having fun while learning Italian

What the “tools” created by the Kappa Language School have in common is that they’re all enjoyable, and having fun while learning is the key to success. This is all the more true if you’re studying Italian, the language spoken in the one country in the world where people take 2-hour lunch breaks, and la dolce vita (i.e. the “sweet life”) is a key lifestyle concept. 

So, in addition to the 3 tools illustrated above, here are 3 tips for having fun while learning Italian:

  1. Listen to Italian music. You can go for opera, and immerse yourself in arias sung by Bocelli or Pavarotti, take a journey back in time to the roaring 50s and 60s, or sing along with Lucio Dalla. Listen to whatever music you like, as long as it’s Italian.
  2. Watch Italian movies. Italy is the birthplace of some of the world’s greatest directors, actors, and actresses, so, again, you’re spoiled for choice. You can easily get movies, and even contemporary TV series, on Netflix or Amazon Prime
  3. Buy an Italian cookbook and cook. You’ll become familiar with the lingo and learn to make lush postcard-perfect ravioli, all in one go!
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