Home Game: Netflix looks at Calcio Storico

Home Game

One of the latest docu-series on Netflix is Home Game, a new little pearl that shows us all the variety of intense, and odd, sports that are part of tradition all around the world. Not only does it take into account the Scottish Highland games, the Congolese Catch Fétiche, but even the beautiful and beloved Calcio Storico.

This year, with Covid-19 about, there wasn’t any Calcio Storico final, so it’s nice that something about the sport of Florentine Champions is happening anyway. I’ve only seen the trailer for now, but I know that the good old Gianluca Lapi, ex-captain of the Verdi of San Giovanni, and the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, are both interviewed throughout the series.

Now, just in case you wanted to know more about the sport, we’ve got a fair amount of posts on the topic. Like this one that compares it to a wrestling match, or this one where we compare it to The Hunger Games, and this re-enactment match where Lapi was playing.

It’s part of what we live in Florence, and if you’ve ever been here during the summer you know how important it is for the city, now enjoy the Netflix version in Home Game.

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