Online university in Italy in times of Coronavirus

glenn carstens on unsplash

It’s a pretty weird moment in the world, and from what I seem to understand form the variety of news outlets, all around the world, the situation is becoming more and more similar to the one in Italy. Self-isolation and country shutdowns are becoming the norm in this day and age. So, what are you going to do with all that time on your hands? I mean if you’re already in uni I’m sure you’re having to follow your courses online, but what if you’re courses are pretty short and you need to kill some extra time. I’m sure Netflix, or Amazon Prime, is helping you out a lot, but what if you’re bored of all the content binging? What if you want to learn something new, something that isn’t part of your academic career, and what if you want to do that thanks to and Online university in Italy?

We’ve got a great article written by one of our interns way back on Art universities in Italy.

Also if you want to see how the Coronavirus outbreak is happening in Italy you can check this post I keep updating every time something newsworthy comes about.

So, I’ll give you a little intro on the basics like Coursera, that when the Coronavirus outbreak started in Italy, decided to give out free courses to all of Italy. I don’t know how this will evolve for the rest of the world, but that’s one place to go check out.

literally me in the times of Coronavirus, by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Another real fun platform I find myself using for my own purposes is Skillshare, but again I’m pretty sure that you’ve heard of it. I mean they sponsor pretty much every YouTube video I fall upon. Jokes aside it’s a really good platform to use, mostly because of the variety of things you can learn, and plus it has a 2 month free trial period. Which I signed up for before the outbreak so….yeah, I’m going to have to pay for the rest of my time locked indoors.

What about Online University in Italy?

But the internet isn’t my specialty, that’s everyone’s domain. What I want to look at with you is some of the best Italian Online Universities you can look into. I mean maybe you’re not even a student anymore, but you just want to pick up another degree cause you have more time on your hand’s atm, and you want to do that in Italian.


This online university in Italy of the most looked into from the international perspective, I’ve looked into some international e-learning rankings, and this one appears most of the time on the top, especially for Italy. You’ll be able to pick from a variety of courses in 6 major areas.

Don’t worry I link all the rest of the information on the faculties listed above.


Another one of the major players in the online uni business in Italy is e-Campus. They’ve got a bit more courses in their roster. Offering a variety of masters as well as bachelor degrees. My idea would be to pick your poison and get in there. I’ll link their faculties below at least you can choose:

I mean looking at the fact you’re thinking about Italy atm, why not go for an Arts Degree?

Pegaso – Università Telematica

Pegaso is one of the online university in Italy I’ve seen billboards about the most in the past, you know when I could walk in the city without it being a hazard to other people (I’m not complaining, it’s the only way I can help out, by staying indoors, and so can you). They had this really jokes where I guess they bought the rights to advertise the Spiderman Homecoming movie, so you would have a Spiderman movie poster and their tag around it. My advice would take a marketing course with them, cause I remember it, but alas they don’t offer one in. But they do offer a variety of courses like the ones listed below:

In the meantime enjoy your days indoors, and if you can’t find anything of interest in these courses cause you feel more like taking some time off, I’ll add a post on some entertainment to look through during these days.

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