Italian Quarantine Recipes – Frittata di Maccheroni

Now in the last recipe post, I gave you the most basic of Italian cuisine, the Spaghetti al Pomodoro. Now if you’ve done too many spaghetti what are you gonna fo about it? Are you gonna throw them away? Are you going to keep them and heat them up another day? I mean that’s always good, but why would I write a post about Italian quarantine recipes, if you can just eat the same thing?

Don’t forget to check out our Regional specialty post, and also our Florentine Specialties post.

Today I want to talk about the Frittata di Maccheroni (aka spaghetti), it’s one of the most Neapolitan things you could ever eat, and you know what it’s actually pretty easy to do at home because the main ingredient is the leftover pasta from a previous meal. Also, you’ll need eggs, because a frittata is an omelet. So yeah, spaghetti Omelette.

Picture by Prawny on Pixabay

I’m sure if you come from an Italian family, you’ve had it before, but you probably forgot to ask the recipe and are thinking how did my nonna make that real amazing omelet back in the day. Well, hopefully, you’re also not looking for it actively cause you might find it on a thousand other websites (lol).

In the meantime, while you’re locked indoors and respecting the quarantine you can make this for yourself and your loved ones/flatmates.

Disclaimer: This recipe is to be used with your leftover pasta, if you don’t have it, remember that you need to cook the spaghetti first.

Italian Quarantine Recipe Ingredients:

The modus operandi is pretty simple, mix the eggs in a bowl with olive oil, salt, pepper, the Parmigiano, and the milk.

In the meantime reheat the pasta in a pan (non-sticky) would be preferable.

When the pan is hot pour the egg mixture in and make that omelet cook babeeeyyy.

Now enjoy, feast, and throw away that beach bod you were working on during this quarantine. Also, check out this other version by the Cucchiaio d’Argento with bacon….mmmmmm….bacon.

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