Firenze Sotto Vetro – why not get onboard

Firenze Sotto Vetro

The city of Florence is working with local film producers from Malandrino Films and Zero11, on an Open Non-Profit documentary that will show the reality the city has gone through during the first months of Lockdown. Firenze Sotto Vetro is open for everyone to participate in, as long as you have footage of Florence during these times.

The idea is to show the city through the eyes of the people that have lived here during these trying times. So if you’re in Florence, cause I know some people are still here, and some people live here full time, you can send in some content and your footage might be in the documentary.

So why not give it a shot (like literally, give them a shot of you’re lockdown experience). You can send in your footage by the 24th of June at (Via WeTransfer) and if you need some extra info look for Firenze Sotto Vetro on FB

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